Friday, October 22, 2010

your beliefs.

my beliefs cannot be summed up in a four-point gospel presentation.
my beliefs are not nearly as simple as God, sin, Christ, repent.
my beliefs are as intricate and complicated as the miracle of life.
I believe so deeply in the mystery and wonder of Jesus Christ.
I believe in the cross on which Jesus, as human as you and I but God at the same time, died an awful, horrific, XXX-rated death so that you, and I, may partake in the glory of His perfection and divinity.
I believe that God has saved my life--literally and spiritually.
I believe that the only reason I take each breath is because He wants me to.
I believe that my only purpose in life is to glorify Him in all I do--in life, or in death.
I believe that I have an eternal promise of fellowship with Christ--something i don't deserve and never could by my own power.
I believe that I am called to love others because I was first loved. Because I was first redeemed and spared. How could I bring someone else down, someone else who may receive or has recieved this same amazing love?
I believe that God looks on the heart. He does not judge based on outward appearance. He loves us in spite of ourselves.
I believe that God has amazing things in store for my life, if only I follow Him.
I believe that I am an awful human being, and, apart from God, completely worthless.
If I were to sum up my beliefs, the only way I could do it properly would be to give you the Holy Word of God. Therein lies my belief system. My church. My family. My morals. My faith. My love, and my purpose.

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