Monday, August 31, 2009

Day Twenty-Five::August Thirty-First, Two Thousand and Nine.

So the end result will be totally worth the work, right? Yeah. But this nonsense is taking a whole freak and forever. I literally have been working all day on it except to pick up my schedule and get some nifty thrifty school supplies (which, by the way, are amazing::i got super hero notebooks. you can't do much better than that.). But I am super excited about it. I just want to move back into my room and sleep in my own beddddd.
Poop. Well, I'm trying to make this longer for Miss Michelle, so i'll tell you about how I'm really not excited for school anymore. I went in to get my schedule today and it reminded me of how much it scares me.
Nope, I'm going to stop there.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day Twenty-Four::August Thirtieth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Let me tell you how good and amazing and satisfying today was. Just let me tell you.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day Twenty-Three::August Twenty-Ninth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Second day of paintinggggg.
Sam and Simon came over to help. Sort of. We got a lot of barely anything done, but it was a fantastic day.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day Twenty-Two::August Twenty-Eighth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I'm painting my room again, finally. I got so tired of the make-shift splatter paint and such. It's white right now, but soon one wall is going to be splatter paint and one is going to be something colorful most likely involving handprints. But I'm not sure yet. Right now though I delegated the job off to some of the little kids in the neighborhood. :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day Twenty-One::August Twenty-Seventh, Two Thousand and Nine,

Bonita's a fattyyyy.
Hahaha. And all the work we were supposed to be doing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day Twenty::August Twenty-Sixth, Two Thousand and Nine

Things I've discovered today so far.
1) I'm a coward.
2) I miss the kids at Liberty a LOT.
3) I'm actually really a coward.
4) I procrastinate way too much.
5) It's taking me too long to read this book.
6) I have to annotate it.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day Nineteen::August Twenty-Fifth, Two Thousand and Nine.

This is a really bad picture. But this little boy lights up my life sometimes.
He was sitting dowstairs watching TV and I was directly upstairs reading. I heard him giggling and laughing SO hard, which is cute enough in itself. But do you know what he was laughing at?
Tom and Jerry.
The way cartoons should be.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day Eighteen::August Twenty-Fourth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I'm a pretty pitiful procrastinator. Instead of taking care of my ginormous to-do list, I took a nap and made things out of notebook wire. The big peace sign I made a while ago, but the little one is model two. I use both of them for necklaces. The heart? Who knows. I just had blue wire left over. I really want to figure out how to make a bird or other interesting things, but I'm going to try and be less pitiful in the future so who knows if I'll ever get to that.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day Seventeen::August Twenty-Third, Two Thousand and Nine.

The street was really REALLY hot today.
So, Miss Lace came over after church today, and I think she's amazing. I'm really glad we're buddies. :D

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Fifteen::August Twenty-First, Two Thousand and Nine.

I spent about half an hour trying to untangle this mess, but yet no success.
Symbolic? Maybe.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day Twelve::August Eighteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

We're kind of not really all that attractive.
But to be honest, I haven't showered and I was working hard. We painted her room.
Now I really want to paint mine. I'm think either splatter paint all over or one wall splattered. I haven't decided. And I have to get the parentals' consent.
By the way, I love this girl. She lets me unload on her and doesn't judge me. She's great. :D

Monday, August 17, 2009

Day Eleven::August Seventeenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

We left Northbay today and these are my awesome girls. While they caused me a bit of trouble and heartache, they were the absolutely best part of a sucky day.

Anna Claire was such a sweetheart. When it came to the God stuff she was pretty quiet, but when she did say something I could see such a genuine heart. And the fact that she's homeschooled rocked my world. It's always great to see a fellow homeschooler functioning in the real world.
Jordan was one I didn't get to know very well. She was very sweet, though, while a little boy crazy.
Same with Miss Gaby, who I wish would've spent the time she took on her hair and her face to spend time with God.
My little Alexis is so cute and so genuine. And her eyes are absolutely gorgeous. Boys will be fawning over her one day.
Kelsey! What a darling, quiet, timid girl. It was awesome to see her out of her shell and diving into God's word.
Caroline. Put some pants on sweetie :D
Christine. My lovely tomboy that shuddered at the touch of pink. I admired her independence.
Oh, my darling Courtney. She is so awesome and it was magnificent to see how God changed her over the course of a few days. I can't wait to keep in touch with her.
Julia. Oh Julia. What are we to do with you, sweet thing.
Standing in the front is Missy Brie! Oh what a scatterbrained little monster of a girl. I pray that her wealth of knowledge of God would blossom into a great relationship.
Last but not least at all is Miss Kayla whom I am enveloping in my great elephant arms. She was so tiny and sweet and I could just pick her up with one arm if she was in my way. But she never was. She was just a fireball of love for God.
These girls were, and are, awesome.

Day Ten::August Sixteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Dude. This thing was so freaking cool. There was this bat hanging upside down on the outside of an umbrella by the pool at Northbay and a guy that worked there--by the way, he had awesome gauges and was SUPER attractive--was talking about wanting to pet it. SO I DID. I know this sounds so lame but I was SO excited to touch it. When the guy started petting it, it hissed and took off. Hahahah it was SO awesome.

Day Nine::August Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I LOVE this girl. With my whole heart. She was in my room at Junior High Winter Camp, which was the first room I ever counseled in. She'll admit she was a freaking handful. But God blessed my co-leader and I and gave us such love and grace on the girls. That has been my favorite camp EVER. It was so awesome for me to see her serving at the Summer camp and worshiping in service. Made my heart warm. Haha :D

Day Eight::August Fourteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

So I know the past couple pictures have all had me in them. And I felt that was super vain. So here we go.

This was the first day of the Junior High Summer Camp and these are just a couple of my girls cheering for their team. They were awesome.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day Seven::August Thirteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Every time I say good-bye again it sucks even more.
I felt really alone today.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day Six::August Twelfth, Two Thousand and Nine

This is kind of what I felt like today.
And I had to say good-bye to a lot of awesome people. Sad story.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Five::August Eleventh, Two Thousand and Nine.

This girl's name is Killer.

Enough said?

I think so.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day Four::August Tenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Curiosity killed the world.

Day Three::August Ninth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I love...
Old people. That are too old for their own good.
And little girls--in absolutely not the creeper-ish way.

ME: How old are you?
M:What's your favorite color?
J: Hmmm...dark pink.
M: Woah. Not pink but dark pink.
J: Yeah! Yeah. DARK pink. What's yours?
M: Um. Green.
J: Green?! That's a boy color!
M: Hahah oh dear. But I like it!
J: Well what about...purple?
M: Oh I like purple too.
J: You have to choose one. Green or purple.
M: Ohhh
M: Hahaha I know! But it's everywhere in nature! Look, it's in the trees and grass and such. When do you ever see purple?!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day Two::August Eighth, Two Thousand and Nine

These is a small peek at my family.
Cool, huh?
These are my two sisters and my baby brother, who may not be a baby for very long. Chelsea is the oldest [the girl on the far left]. She best friend. I think she's the only person I can say I have genuinely hated, but she's the only person I can proudly say is my best friend. Even though my views of a best friend are a little skewed.
Jordie is the second to youngest [she's squished down in the middle there]. She used to be absolutely unbearable. But we grow up, right? The better she knows how to do her hair, the better she knows how to control herself.
Matthew [I don't really think I have to point him out--he's the only boy in the picture]. Matthew is my baby boy, will always be my baby boy, and is the most spoiled kid I have ever met. But I love him. Right now Chelsea and I are participating in the act of toughening him up.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day One::August Seventh, Two Thousand and Nine.

So I really really wanted to do this for the longest time. When you get pissed off, you decide to do things you always wanted to do. Apparently. So I'm going to post a picture for every day for the next three hundred and sixty five days--in case you didn't know, that's a year. So here's day one.

Mike Moratto came over and brought me a frosty from Wendy's which was a complete life saver. I enjoyed it fully. While we were sitting on my front porch together he looked down at my feet and started going off on how small but weird they were because they do what they're doing in the picture. I link my toes. I don't know why but it's the most comfortable thing for me. You can't blame me for being comfortable.