Monday, October 25, 2010

5 celebrity guys you find attractive

i'm really going to prove my girliness on this one.
okay so here goes.
1. leonardo di caprio, BUT only in Titanic. he was beautiful. just look at that face. and he was so cheesy about Rose. just plain adorable.
2. heath ledger, BUT once again only in 10 Things I Hate About You. he got ugly as he got older. and then he did gay movies. which is just bad.
3. Logan Lerman from Percy Jackson. this one is pretty embarrassing, but honestly, he was pretty.
 4. mr. darcy! duh.

5. this last one was kind of difficult, because honestly i don't swoon over guys very much. but sylvia suggested this one, so i'll go with it.
christian bale! i forgot he was in little women. he totally should have married Jo.

1 comment:

  1. umm yeah leonardo has always been a babe and heath ledger (R.I.P) has been super hot forever, even when he played the goddam joker. And also whats wrong with doing a gay movie? are you homophobic? its just a character role, like if a homosexual got asked to play a straight person.
