Monday, September 6, 2010

it comes across from a few people

(who don''t say things to my face, mind you),
that i am condemning.
or that i judge too much.
or that i force people to change.

but i openly acknowledge that i have no power to change people.
i cannot condemn, only Christ can.

now, i apologize if you took offense when I disagreed with something you did that I believe is wrong.
if you are a believer in the Savior that saved my soul, then that was my job as your sister in Christ.
we are to keep each other accountable.
Paul did the same thing for Peter in Galatians 2, and Paul even confronted him in front of everyone present.
if you know the truth, i will call you out for doing something blatantly wrong.
i'm sure there are better ways i could do it, but that's too bad.
i will learn as I grow in Christ.

if you are not a believer, i'm not sorry that i stood up for my beliefs.
if i was harsh, that's wrong of me.
however, there is a base respect that everyone deserves, and if i was not treated with that respect
then I'm not going to put myself in an environment where I'm being disrespected.
i try very hard to let a lot of things go because you don't know the truth.
if you smoke, that's fine.
if you drink, whatever.
if you sleep around, that's your choice.
if you curse, so what.
if you do those things to bother me because i've made it clear i don't like them?
then why hang out with you? why condone such disrespect of beliefs that i will not shove down your throat.
i will try to communicate my beliefs with you because i believe everyone deserves a chance.
but if you take that and curse around me or tell me explicit stories of your nights out or are constantly telling perveted jokes or stories, i won't put myself in situations with you.
i just don't want that in my brain.

i will be the first to admit that i am not perfect.
by any means.
i am just as much as a sinner as you are.
i curse sometimes--i hate to do it, but i do.
i drank a few times--it was the worst decision in my life, but i did.
i have had issues with lust.
and i HAVE judged people when they don't deserve it.
i have tried to play the part of God.
but i'm learning. however,
i won't put up with crap.
and i'll say sorry,
but i'm really not.
that's just who i am.

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