Wednesday, September 1, 2010

i WILL praise my beautiful Jesus.

today i was sitting in a hallway of DeMoss, looking through my line-up for the next three and a half years. I just wanted to figure it out some and get a grasp on what I was putting my self through--a man will make plans, but God will direct his paths. a girl sat down next to me with a very polite and appreciated, "is anyone sitting here?" i said no, because, well, there wasn't anyone sitting there, and thought no more of it.
while sitting there, Shannon O'Malley walked by and stopped to say hi and have polite conversation. i mentioned to her that the first couple weeks in college have been pretty rough, but it's okay--I know LU is where God wants me to be. Shannon agreed, said it'll get better, and had to go.
the girl next to me got up and walked away, leaving her stuff--but again, i thought nothing of it. she came back a few minutes later.
soon after that, a girl came up to talk to the girl sitting next to me (all these people are making this really confusing). they had a conversation, and the girl sitting next to me got up to leave, but first she turned to me. i didn't realize she was talking to me at first.
"okay so I know this is random, and I know I don't know you, but i heard you saying that you had had a couple of rough weeks, and chocolate always helped me, so i got this for you."
she handed me a bag of m&m's. i sort of wanted to cry. she told me her name was Bridgett, I thanked her profusely, and she went her own way.

don't tell me that God is not good.
I had just spent fourty-five minutes or so praying and asking Him to just love me. To show me His plan for me and help me through all the nonsense that had been going on. I asked Him to bless me, to not let me forget that He is my ultimate best friend. and I have no doubt whatsoever that He gave me Bridgett today. I don't even really like m&m's. hahah. but i don't care. He continues to encourage me and show me His glory and His mercy through the most unexpected things--especially through acts of kindness. He has showed me that people really aren't all that bad, you just have to find the good ones c: I'm so thankful--for Bridgett, for God, for m&m's. I will praise my beautiful Jesus, and I have absolutely no freaking reason not to.

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