Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 12--The person that caused you a lot of pain.

Ma'am, you will always have a place in my heart. Whether that's good or bad, who knows. I'm not entirely sure what happened with us. I know we used to be really good friends. I used to love you a lot. And then, that happened. I hate how that happened. And no matter what you think, you did it because of what i told you. That's how I started--someone told me. So I did it. But I think that's what broke us. And then years later--well I don't know why you did that. I tried to ask, to find out but you don't care. That's what kills me the most. You don't care. And you pulled other people with you. Why couldn't you keep us between us. After that everything about you scared me and everything surrounding you scared me. I wouldn't accept people on facebook because I didn't know if you would use them too. I'd see you daily and have a deep pain in my stomach. When people became associated with you, they stopped smiling at me. It just hurt so much.
But you don't scare me anymore. I don't care anymore. You have no reflection on my life. I still wish we could accomplish some sort of peace, but my brain is no longer at war with you.

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