Sunday, December 12, 2010

missing: one face, two arms, and two legs.

Plato believed that man was originally created with four arms, four legs, and two faces. Zeus felt threatened by our advanced state and split everyone in half. Everyone then wandered around for the rest of their lives, searching for a part of themselves that felt lost. Searching for a way to be complete.
This is where the idea of "soul mates" came from.

Everyone knows that we all need something. We have an innate need for love, for approval and acceptance. We thrive off the attention of others and crave to be noticed. I am the greatest example of this need--on this Earth I am a slave of the approval of others. Any dissent causes me great stress and anxiety.
But is this because I'm missing my second face and lost limbs?
God made us to be complete in Him. Allegorically, He IS our missing face, arms and legs. Adam and Eve rested perfectly in the Garden because they had no doubt about who they were--or whose they were. They belonged to the divine Being who gave them breath. We do too, but because of a snake, a piece of fruit, and blind eyes, the identity found instinctively in Christ was ripped away. We could no longer rest automatically in the completion of our Savior because we took advantage of free will.
But that does not mean that we cannot find completion.
I know, from personal experience, that there is not a person on this Earth who can fulfill my every need with no disappointments. So why am I a slave to the approval of these imperfect beings?
I don't know.
But I know that my God is always waiting for me to find myself in Him. The closer I am to Him, the more secure I am in this world. I have found my missing face and limbs.

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