Monday, September 21, 2009

Day Forty-Six::September Twenty-First, Two Thousand and Nine.

I don't know if you've ever seen the Louis Giglio videos of the "Indescribable" and "How Great is Our God" tour (if not, you should look them up) but the speaker shows some incredible images of our universe and all the different galaxies and such. It's enough to literally take your breath away. Well today, my geosystems teacher decides to show us a lot of the same images. I thought it was awesome. I thought, yes! this will instill some sort of question of God in the class. Which might still be true, but the teacher decided to use it to advertise about a different theory of creation. And she believes one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard--the Big Bang. HA. She was talking about "the latest big bang" that happened about "fourteen million years ago." The girl that sits next to me is also a Christian--we just looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Banging gets you no where. Except for in the inappropriate case, where it gets you babies. And certain other deathly things.

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