Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day Fifty-Five::September Thirtieth, Two Thousand and Nine.

And we've got timeeeee on our handsssss. [paramore]
I was really proud of myself for this one.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day Fifty-Four::September Twenty-Ninth, Two Thousand and Nine.

That's right. I have the sweater everyone wantssss. And it's AWESOME. Be jealous Sam isn't YOUR best friend.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day Fifty-Two::September Twenty-Seventh, Two Thousand and Nine.

God thinks He's really funny.

Day Fifty-One::September Twenty-Sixth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Don't make me talk about today.
Other than I did have fun considering it was Erica's birthday and I LOVED hanging out with them.
But otherwise, don't ask.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day Fifty::September Twenty-Fifth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I love photography for days like these and all days.
Today was an amazing day. LETMETELLYOUUU.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day Forty-Nine::September Twenty-Fourth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Today consisted of school and taking the longest nap of my life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day Forty-Eight::September Twenty-Third, Two Thousand and Nine.

All the things I wish I could say. I'm always reminded that Jesus was silent in situations such as these.
The post doesn't match the picture at all, bytheway.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day Forty-Seven::September Twenty-Second, Two Thousand and Nine.

I keep writing August in the date. I want Summerrrr.
So sometimes? People are just awesome. Like these two. Full o'nonsense.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day Forty-Six::September Twenty-First, Two Thousand and Nine.

I don't know if you've ever seen the Louis Giglio videos of the "Indescribable" and "How Great is Our God" tour (if not, you should look them up) but the speaker shows some incredible images of our universe and all the different galaxies and such. It's enough to literally take your breath away. Well today, my geosystems teacher decides to show us a lot of the same images. I thought it was awesome. I thought, yes! this will instill some sort of question of God in the class. Which might still be true, but the teacher decided to use it to advertise about a different theory of creation. And she believes one of the most ridiculous theories I've ever heard--the Big Bang. HA. She was talking about "the latest big bang" that happened about "fourteen million years ago." The girl that sits next to me is also a Christian--we just looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Banging gets you no where. Except for in the inappropriate case, where it gets you babies. And certain other deathly things.

Day Forty-Five::September Twentieth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I forgot my camera today so I had to take the picture with my phone. Which sucked. But we got suction cup toothbrushes.

Day Forty-Four::September Ninteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I spent todayyy in DC with two of literally my favorite people ever. I'm not just being nice. They really are my favorite. :D

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day Forty-Three::September Eighteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I'm rocking the grandma sweater today.

Day Forty-Two::September Seventeenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Developed this picture of Lydia in the dark room today. She's beautiful. I'm a little jealous.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day Forty-One::September Sixteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I completed the first photo shoot of the year today. Go photo two!
I was thinking about my passions. Because I don't truly put my heart into anything, really. If it's hard, I don't do it. There aren't a lot of things I'm good at, but there are things I absolutely love to do. So what if I tried at those things? Photography is one of them. And it's a MAJOR one. Right now, in front of all of you, I'm declaring photography a passion.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day Forty::September Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Yay for boring AP Music Theory class.
You know what I thought about today. What if I actually tried at something? I've never put my whole "heart and soul" into anything. What if I did?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day Thirty-Eight::September Thirteenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

That's right. Put that nonsense away.
Church todayyy. Always enjoyable. only one thing annoyed me though. at frontline, Todd Phillips, whom I completely respect, stated one scripture at the beginning of his sermon, and then just talked. talktalktalk. While I don't think he would pull things out of his butt, it irritated me because I want to know how he backs up what he's saying. blech.
and i have a hole in my sock.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day Thirty-Seven::September Twelvth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Hung out with my bestfriend todayyy. Even though he's really weird.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day Thirty-Six::September Eleventh, Two Thousand and Nine.

this is a horrid picture, but it's kind of how I felt today.
the first week of school has been absolutely amazing. all my fears were literally for nothing. and the best part was seeing mr. clark :D oh how i miss him! it was awesome to see him today.
i have to say something. today was 9/11. can i just complain about how lame the commemoration was at my school? they tried to dedicate the daily moment of silence to it, but as soon as they said "and now for the moment of silence", the school bell rang. so much for that. i feel like it was such a big deal everywhere else. chantilly? not so much. personally i want to apologize. because people are still greatly affected by it. yet my school can't so much as time the moment of silence so it's not interrupted.
after school i went to my church for leadership training. i was the only high school student there, which was the first thing that bothered me. I know there are going to be a couple more there tomorrow, but. i don't know. it made me sad.
the other thing that bothered me was all the talk about being prepared for being a leader and ministering to these kids.
i feel like i can't do that.
i'm scared i can't be a role model.
"For I do not understand my own actions. I am bewildered.
I do not practice or accomplish what I wish,
but I do the very thing that I loathe."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day Thirty-Five::September Tenth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Peace out. I'm too busy doing adult things.
I applied for four jobs today. Hopefully something works out because I have way too many things to pay for right now.
AND I chilled with Pat and Cali. Some of the best people ever. :D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day Thirty-Four::September Ninth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Let's see. Someone called me Pocahontas. Someone else called my Sacajawea.
I wasn't aware I was so Indian?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day Thirty-Three::September Eighth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Oh no. I'm already a cat lady.
This is Scarce. And looking forward to my date with him got me through school.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Day Thirty-Two::September Seventh, Two Thousand and Nine.

Last day of freedommmm. :(
Bonita came over! My mother thinks she's as cute as can be. I just think she's weird.
But she let me take a nap. Which was much needed.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. At all.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day Thirty-One::September Sixth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Oh how I love thee. Let me count the ways.
Oh. Nevermind.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day Thirty::September Fifth, Two Thousand and Nine.

I got a hairrrcut! I like it a lot. I just don't know if I'm going to be able to straighten it all the time. We'll see.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day Twenty-Nine::September Fourth, Two Thousand and Nine.

Yay football and everything I don't nor ever will understand about it! Your game will go great.

Dear Sam.
I wanted to go to your game.
The result ended up being lame.
And it causes me great shame
To say I didn't go to your game.
I know you did great.
Please don't hate.
I'll go to one of them, I promise.
Just, the difficulty is,
I don't understand it for the life of me.
End of story.

Day Twenty-Eight::September Third, Two Thousand and Nine.

DUDE. Today I got ice cream from the ice cream truck for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. Albeit, it was a snow cone, not actual ice cream. But it was SO worth it. It had never been a part of my lack of childhood. When I was little the ice cream truck came to our neighborhood at like ten o'clock at night. It's a principle of parents to never let children twelve and under to have ice cream/sugar at that ungodly hour of night for fear of bouncing-off-the-walls syndrome. As I grew up though, I learned my mother's real fear. It's called the pervert-mobile and that's all she could hear when the little jingle came near. So no ice cream fo' you.
This monumental occasion came as a result of Mrs. Pullen. She watched as I looked longingly at the truck drive away and as I expressed my want for the experience of the ice cream truck. So do you know what she did? She drove me to the ice cream truck and bought me some. Go Mrs. Pullen. Another thing crossed off of my "Best If Used By Death" list.

Day Twenty-Seven::September Second, Two Thousand and Nine.

1. Nose flare.
2. Hip pop.
3. Steals Bagel Bites.
4. Sexy-eye fails.
5. Eats like an aardvark.
6. Slurps.
7. Puts finger up noses that don't belong to her.
8. Has love-at-first-sight with food.
9. Giggles.
10. Bites people/herself.
11. Was in an open relationship with a GIRL.
12. Abuses/shanks/stabs innocent food.
13. Her fingers are ninjas.
14. Says poo-poo.
15. Has an invincible nose.
16. Makes weird esophagus noises.
17. Has zits on her hands.
19. Makes small children cry.
20. Fails at burping.
21. Is in love with a plastic knife.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day Twenty-Six::September First, Two Thousand and Nine.

My baby brother helped me out with splattering my wall. He's a cutie.